Platinum and UBAI - Yokohama’s blockchain conference “headlines”
Platinum and UBAI - Yokohama’s blockchain conference “headlines”
  • James Young
    James Young
  • 승인 2019.01.17 02:19
  • 댓글 0
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The year 2018 has been marked by continuous ups and downs, however, mostly downs. On 14th of November, the total cryptocurrency market capitalization fell below $100 billion, with the price of bitcoin quoting under $3700. Even after the recovery, the bears pushed the price back again.

Nevertheless, a few things became clear: blockchain technology hasn’t disappeared, instead, it continues to conquer new markets and segments. Still, many brilliant minds are working hard on solving technical challenges of both blockchain industry and traditional economic system. Soon the biggest blockchain conference in Asia will take place, and crypto enthusiasts all over the world will be able to meet the outstanding developers in person.

In particular, it will be held at Yokohama, Japan, from January 30 to January 31. JBC-Asia has already announced that John McAfee from MGT Capital Investments, Tim Draper (the founder of DFJ Venture Capital), Luke Wagman (CoinMarketCap Chief Evangelist), Yohei Matsuda (Ministry of Economy), Sam Lee (founder of Etherium South China) and many other serious players will join the meeting as guest speakers.

A company to keep an eye on

One of the special guests will be Platinum - a team of experts and developers with a solid reputation and experience.  Platinum is mainly a consulting business that focuses on the Fintech sector and blockchain industry. Furthermore, Platinum has more than 2 years of successful experience in the global market. It is the international team of over 200 specialists that provide various services, such as marketing & PR, management consulting, programming, cyber-security,  education, legal advisory and much more. 72,5% of its employees have master’s degree in IT, Marketing, Management, Finance. As of now, the portfolio of the company includes over 500 satisfied customers, and it continues to grow.

Platinum doesn’t stand still, instead, it is constantly looking for new opportunities in a rapidly changing crypto industry. For example, with the approval of new regulations for security and utility tokens, Platinum started offering help with the security tokens emission due to huge expertise in the classical stock market.

“We have been growing so far thanks to the rapid adaptation to new rules, procedures, and technologies. As a result, we are still undisputed leaders in providing blockchain solution services and products,” co-founder of Platinum, Dan Khomenko stated.

Platinum provides assistance with:

Fundraising organization for enterprises and ventures through Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and Security Token Offering (STO); Platinum team promotes selected projects directly to their extensive global network of private and institutional investors, arranging private meetups, roadshows, and investor pitching sessions around the globe.

Listing on over 90 exchanges, including top ones, such as Binance, OKEX, HitBTC, Huobi, Coinsuper and many others. Some of the companies they have helped to get listed include such businesses as Micromoney, ICOS, Signal, Nagezeni, Noah Coin, Alibaba, Braincore and Worldcore.

ICO/STO Platform, thus allowing businesses to easily accept crypto from investors, manage ICO stages and marketing campaigns, process KYC/AML. The main features of Platinum’s ICO platform are its user-friendliness, precise and detailed analytics section that allows users to manage and save their marketing budget, top-notch security, and DDOS protection, together with a payment system that supports top-300 coins + credit and debit cards. The Platinum team is currently supporting and consulting more than 500 tokens, which raised $200 000 000+ in total! An average number of transactions through our IT solutions per day is 1000+ transactions / $2 000 000+.


Satisfying all relevant legislative statutory, regulatory, contractual requirements.  The Platinum legal department helps tokens both to emerge, by preparing the company’s crypto asset for the requirements of exchanges and to survive when new regulations are approved.

Market making strategy that consists in improving token’s market cap and trading volume. These are one of the most important “parameters” that top exchanges and investors pay attention to before adding a token to the platform or portfolio. Decent trading volume attracts new investors and traders on secondary market.

Marketing and PR. Marketing and promotion is the best way to scale someone’s blockchain company. Conferences, articles news and press releases - are one of the best tools in achieving this. Bounties have also become a useful part of any ICO/STO campaign. They allow building a loyal community around a product or service that company plans to provide. Together with these services Platinum offers community management for ICOs and STOs. It allows to attract new investors and raise capital. The Platinum team was able to outreach over 10 million users per media campaign. In the case of the blogger programme, this number reaches 2,5 million users.

Additionally, since the beginning of 2018 Platinum has been working on an external educational project called UBAI. It is the online University of Blockchain and Investing that offers different courses elaborated by the leading specialists in legal and financial planning, blockchain programming and other technical topics. The platform will include not only online courses or news portal, but also a blockchain based diploma confirmation system, career development center together with the finance department that will deal with ICOs and STOs analysis.

By the way, UBAI is launching its own ICO that will last almost for 6 months, from January 15 to June 15. Collected money will go directly to the development of the platform and its own blockchain as well as for covering part of the marketing and legal costs.

One of the objectives of such companies like Platinum is the introduction of blockchain solution into a real business, to make it more profitable and persuasive.

The Platinum team doesn’t only provide services for crypto startups, but also explains and teaches how blockchain actually works and how it can be applied to traditional businesses. Learning from these professionals is a unique opportunity to make the right decisions in the early stages of business development.

Crypto and blockchain industries need more companies that would work on the development of new services, products and instruments. It is a key for the distributed ledger system survival and dissemination. Platinum is a perfect example of how the blockchain company should look like - fast adaptation, new ideas and constant improvement of the existing mechanisms and tools. Thanks to quality work and professionalism, just in 2 years they were able to expand their business worldwide and conquer the strategically important markets.

To learn more about the company, please visit their website and follow them on Twitter, Telegram, and Facebook.



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